Recent Fire Damage Posts
Nighttime Fire Safety | SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan
6/16/2023 (Permalink)
Your home is your sanctuary. If you experience a fire, call SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan to restore your home.
Is there anything better than crawling into a warm bed at the end of the day? The kids are resting peacefully, the dishes are done (or the lights are turned off in the kitchen so you can’t see them) and the animals have all had their last potty breaks for the night. Time to take a deep breath and rest, right?
When you and your home are prepared for fires, even in the middle of the night, this statement can be completely true. Make sure you have the plans in place to keep your family safe and the equipment your home needs so you can start sawing logs faster.
Fire Safety PlansNone of us want to think about a disaster happening, but when we don’t, it can make the situation much worse and our losses greater, especially if we are caught off-guard while we sleep. In order to be able to respond quickly and safely when you aren’t functioning at full steam, you need a solid fire safety plan.
Create an escape plan with your entire family. Have the kids help you figure out the fastest ways out of their bedrooms, and pick a spot you can all safely get to and meet in the dark.
Assign a family member the task of grabbing pets on the way out, and talk to siblings about helping each other safely escape. Make sure everyone knows what your smoke detectors sound like so they can wake up and get moving when needed.
Pack an emergency kit and store it somewhere that can be accessed as you exit your home. If you have young kids, add in some comfort items to help them feel safe and secure.
Pick an evening to practice your safety plan, and make it fun to avoid building anyone’s fear. Stash some glow sticks in your meeting spot and surprise the kids once everyone comes together. This will help them remember where to go and keep anxiety low.
Extra Nighttime StepsOnce you have solidified your fire safety plan, add a few extra steps into your bedtime routine for increased fire safety.
While smoke alarms should be installed near all sleeping areas, closing your door at night can also help protect you while you sleep. A closed door both cuts down on the amount of smoke that can get in and keeps the room from heating up as quickly, which means you have more time to wake up and get out. Keep flashlights near beds so you can quickly shed light on the situation and guide your way to safety.
Never leave open flames burning overnight, and keep flammable objects away from heat sources. That means making sure there are no materials near your fireplace, space heaters or candles. Unplug as much as you can at night as well, and never overload electrical outlets.
The more steps you take before you doze off, the safer you can stay. Give yourself the gift of good sleep by creating and practicing a good safety plan that keeps everyone protected.
Have you experienced a fire in your home? Contact us day or night to get restoration started fast.
Soot Clean Up & Smoke Damage Repair
7/25/2022 (Permalink)
SERVPRO fire damage repair is available to help you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The world's temperature records were broken by the heat waves that swept the continent in the summer 2022. Spain's meteorologists have begun to name these events like hurricanes because of the death and destruction caused by prolonged heat. The summer is just halfway through after thousands fled their homes due to forest fires in Europe, the US and elsewhere.
A forest fire that is out of control can cause serious damage to commercial and residential properties. SERVPRO can assist with the cleanup and repair of fire-damaged buildings as well as smoke damage.
Our team is equipped to deal with issues related to smoke and soot damage.
- Sanitation and clean-up of all surfaces
- Eliminating all visible soot
- Removal of odors
- Cleaning of textiles (clothings and rugs, curtains, etc.)
- Furniture restoration
- Restoring electronics
- Reconstruction
SERVPRO is the number one choice in fire damage restoration. Our complete service saves time and money. Call us immediately if you have property that has been damaged. Our team is always available to assist you in saving and restoring as much of your property as possible.
Fire Damage Restoration Darien & New Canaan Connecticut
6/22/2022 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan is available when fire damages your Connecticut property. Call us anytime you need help recovering from property damage!
SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan offers fire damage restoration and repair services in Darien, CT, New Canaan, CT and the surrounding area. We began our work in Westerly, Rhode Island nearly 20 years ago. Now, we provide the same trusted restoration services in New York, New Jersey, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and of course, Connecticut.
The first few hours of emergency response are critical when a fire causes damage to a house or commercial property. SERVPRO of Washington County is available and ready to take your call. Once it is safe to enter the property, our team will start to remove any damaged property for cleaning or restoration. We will work closely with homeowners to identify the most valuable items in their home if a fire has broken out. It could be any item, such as electronics, which are essential for a homeowner to be able to get up and running quickly. We will expedite the cleanup of these items, and if they aren't damaged beyond repair, we will prioritize their restoration to ensure that they return within 24-48 hours. We will work closely with your homeowners insurance company, providing regular communication throughout the restoration process.
We will assist all parties who need our restoration services if the fire occurs on commercial properties. We may collaborate with the property manager, property owners, and business owners to help restore the building and property. Our services can be scaled up to handle large commercial properties as well as multiple clients at once. Our team can provide full restoration, clean up and odor removal services. We can also provide construction and repair services.
We can help you if your property has been damaged by smoke/soot, fire, or puff back issues. We're here to help!
Fire Damage Cleaning & Repair Dairen CT
5/16/2022 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan is available when your property requires immediate attention from Fire Damage. Call us 24/7.
A fire can create havoc on residential or commercial properties. Even a small fire could cause extensive damage and will often need to be cleaned up professionally. SERVPRO takes complete restoration in our hands, and we can relieve you of all the stress and pain that comes with this laborious clean-up.
We are always available to work. This means that we can quickly ramp up our labor force when needed to ensure that projects are finished efficiently and with precision. Quickly cleaning up after a fire makes it easier to reverse the damage done by smoke odors or soot. We clean every surface with care and use only the best air purification, and dehumidification equipment.
After we have removed any evidence of the fire, our team can assess damage and offer construction/repair services. Our team is always on the move and will get started as soon as your insurance company and you have approved all estimates.
All services are transparently priced upfront. You and your insurance provider will receive daily updates to keep you updated about the progress of construction and any unforeseen situations. These scenarios are not uncommon and we offer many services such as plumbing, electric, appliance, insulation, painting, finishing carpentry, and more.
We will help you quickly and painlessly if your property is set on fire.
Fire Damage Repair Southern CT
5/2/2022 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan is available to provide fire damage repair services 24/7.
When your property is damaged by fire the situation can quickly become overwhelming. Assessing the damage can be difficult and depending upon the extent of the damage you will have many decisions that will have to be made quickly. Our team looks to help guide you through this entire process and to take some of the burden off your shoulders. Upon first arrival a project manager will quickly asses the damage and will offer to help protect the property if damage from the fire has allowed the property to be exposed to the outside elements. If the damage from the fire is contained to only a specific area of the property our team will look to contain the damage and the odors before beginning any work to prevent further damage.
We can then begin to work with you and your insurance company to immediately begin restoration. We work quickly to ensure that damage to the property is minimized shorting the restoration period as much as possible. We then can then provide all the information needed by your insurance company to make sure you are covered through out the entire processes with no surprises. Lastly we can offer you up front and transparent pricing for any reconstruction and repairs needed. This allows you to quickly submit your reconstruction estimates to your insurance provider and avoid burdensome costs for services that will most likely be covered. Our construction work is backed by SERVPRO's Guarantee for quality craftsmanship so you can rest assured that the job will be done right.
Fire Damage Repair Southern Connecticut
9/16/2021 (Permalink)
SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan Is Available 24/7 When A Property Is Damaged By Fire. Call Us Now.
When you think about house fires, it’s no surprise that you likely picture a house engulfed in a tower of flame or a hallway or interior with burning walls. We regularly see fires depicted as clean-burning in movies and TV shows, because frankly we like to see the actors’ faces.
But in reality, there’s a much more likely chance that a house fire would leave you unable to see much at all, because the halls and interior in a full-fledged fire would be filled with smoke.
Smoke is the biggest threat in the 1 million+ home fires that occur in the United States each year, and smoke inhalation is the leading cause of fire deaths and injuries.
What Happens When You Inhale Smoke
You’d immediately assume that breathing in smoke might make you cough, and it’s not hard to imagine that smoke filling your lungs might be a bad thing overall. But the reason smoke is so dangerous in house fires is partially about smoke entering your lungs and partially about oxygen leaving your lungs and brain.
In order for a fire to grow, it requires oxygen. (This is why smothering a fire is such an effective suppression method.) As a fire grows inside the home, it consumes the oxygen present in the air, leaving less and less for occupants to breathe in.
When oxygen levels drop, the body is unable to function properly. Even a drop of 4% can cause impaired coordination and dizziness, making cognitive processes more difficult in an already stressful moment. Further loss of oxygen causes dizziness, unconsciousness, and respiratory or cardiac arrest.
The inhalation of smoke also means inhaling small particles, plus toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide.
How to Avoid Smoke Inhalation
The safest way to escape smoke is to stay low to the ground. Smoke rises, so the cleanest air is down low.
Cover your mouth with a wet cloth if you can grab one, and crawl to the nearest exit. Don’t linger inside, and don’t reenter once you’ve exited.
If a fire tragedy should strike your home, know that SERVPRO is here to help. Contact us anytime for 24-hour emergency assistance.
Autumn Fire Precautions | SERVPRO® of Darien/New Canaan
9/16/2021 (Permalink)
Be mindful about fall fire safety. Always remember that SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan is the trusted leader in the restoration industry.
You feel it, don’t you? The brisk air in Darien, the lower humidity and the flirtation with your favorite light hoodie can only mean one thing: It’s fall again.
The season comes as such a relief after sweltering summers brings urges to camp and hike, run through piles of leaves and of course decorate with spooky pumpkins.
But each season requires its own look at fire safety, so before you light up those pumpkin candles and turn on the movie about the funny witch sisters, let’s remind ourselves about some fall fire safety.
Campfire Safety
Your choices about where and how to build your fire are as important as your attention to putting it out.
Start your fire at least 25 feet away from tents, structures or anything flammable. Use a regular lighter or matches to light your kindling, adding small sticks and tinder, then larger, dry wood.
[Never use kerosene or lighter fluid, which can quickly elevate a fire into something more dangerous and difficult to handle.
Don’t leave your fire unattended, and never leave your campsite until it’s been completely doused, right down to the last glowing ember.
Leaf Burning
Leaves are falling, which means you have decisions to make. You can have them hauled away, or you may choose to burn them yourself. Make sure to get a permit first.
It’s important to note that it’s both toxic and illegal to burn anything but organic yard waste such as leaves, sticks and clippings. Build your burn 50 feet from your house, and use a burn barrel if you have one. (Otherwise look for a dirt area and maintain your burn pile very carefully.)
Space Heaters
Portable space heaters may begin to come into play in cooler evenings or at the work desk, but be warned that these are one of the likeliest causes of home fires.
Only plug heaters directly into outlets, as they can overwhelm extension cords and cause short circuits. Use them only on level areas, away from anywhere kids may play. Ensure that they have a tip-over power down feature, and never leave them unattended or plugged in while you sleep.
More on this next month, but as you decorate and prepare for fall holidays remember that any open flame is a hazard, including jack-o-lanterns, and almost all decor and costumes carry some risk of flammability.
If a fire hazard should turn from potential to reality in your home, remember the trusted leader in the recovery industry and contact SERVPRO to get your property fully restored right down to the smell of smoke.
Defend Your Home Against Wildfire | SERVPRO® of Darien/New Canaan
7/22/2021 (Permalink)
If your home is damaged by fire of any other reason, SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan is ready and able to repair any damage.
No one wants to think about their home being caught up in the vicious swoop of wildfire, but unfortunately, it happens more often than you might think. Wildfires are swift and voracious, and considering the amount of combustible material with which we are surrounded, it’s a wonder we are able to contain these destructive blazes at all.
But we have ways of fending off wildfires before they come near our dwelling, beyond the most obvious, which would be to simply be more careful.
Let’s look at the concept of “defensible space.”
What Is Defensible Space?
It’s not about fighting off aliens—“defensible space” is a series of buffer zones you can create around your home. By planting and pruning purposefully, removing dead trees and brush, and installing areas of gravel or hardscape, you can make it difficult for fire to get from your property’s edge to your home.
Think of it as a barrier (aka defense), designed to shelter your home in the event of a wildfire by depriving the fire of fuel as it comes nearer. Defensible space also gives firefighters a better chance of stopping a wildfire before it breaches your home’s perimeter.
Defensible space isn’t required by law or local codes in Connecticut, but it’s a good fire safety practice to consider just the same.
Why Defensible Space Matters
When you think of wildfires, you may think of the West, but they can happen anywhere. There were over 59,000 wildfires across the United States in 2020.
Even removing California’s 10,000+ fires from that number, the average state encountered almost 1,000 fires.
Even Connecticut saw close to 600 wildfires last year. And the first six months of 2021 have seen a 25% increase in fires nationwide versus the previous year.
We should take advantage of anything that will prevent or deter wildfires from damaging our property and precious resources, and creating defensible space is as helpful as any.
If your home is damaged by fire of any sort, wild or not, SERVPRO is ready and able to repair the damage caused. Get in touch today to get the pros on your team.
Getting Into the Ducts for Darien Fire Damage Restoration
6/23/2021 (Permalink)
This "miniature" ventilation system in a Darient hobby room can lead to widespread smoke and soot damage. Call SERVPRO for a great cleanup
SERVPRO leaves no stone unturned for fire damage restoration in Darien
Your Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system may be the single most vulnerable spot in the house for fire damage. SERVPRO technicians have a wealth of experience handling fire residues in these systems.
We commonly handle HVAC damages in Darien fire damage restoration projects of all sizes. Even a small kitchen fire can produce large volumes of smoke that can spread throughout the house after being sucked into your home’s ventilation system and necessitate many more expensive deodorization efforts. One of the first things we do at your home is ensuring that the HVAC system has been completely shut off, stopping the spread of smoke and residue around the house.
We utilize multiple strategies to handle fire damages in HVAC systems. Many systems can be efficiently managed with vacuums, filter replacements, and ultra-low volume fogging deodorizers. Some ducts, however, require more technical solutions, commonly involving the sealing off of a section of the duct. We also employ odor counteracting beads that absorb residual odors before they can escape the system. We have an assortment of metal whips, brushes and scoping cameras to complete space-tight ductwork cleaning and inspecting. We assess the need for these interventions as part of our strategies for:
- House Fire Clean Up
- Smoke Remediation
- Kitchen Fire Damage
SERVPRO of Darien / New Canaan provides professional and affordable damage restoration solutions for local homeowners. Call us at (203) 966-6264.
Does SERVPRO Provide House Fire Clean Up for Residents of New Canaan?
5/19/2021 (Permalink)
Fire and smoke damage is no easy task. Call SERVPRO for fast and immediate service for fire restoration services for your property.
Removing Smoke Damage Residues in Homes in New Canaan.
After a fire, there is usually a great deal of soot and smoke residue left on surfaces and your contents in the immediate area of the fire. The HVAC system can also distribute fine particles throughout the house, leaving residue on fabrics and flooring materials.
Fire damage restoration and removal of smoke residues in New Canaan are part of the services provided by SERVPRO to all of our customers. Soot and smoke residue can be oily or light and fluffy depending on the temperature of the fire and the materials burned. We assess all areas and materials to apply the best cleaning methodology for residue and surface type.
Hard surfaces can be cleaned by wiping them using appropriate cleaning agents. Porous materials must be carefully cleaned by vacuuming fluffy residue, while oily residue must be removed using cleaning agents. We also deploy deodorizers to remove all smoke odors from your home.
SERVPRO provides:
Call SERVPRO of Darien / New Canaan for fire damage restoration in New Canaan and surrounding areas. We can help 24/7. Call (203) 966-6264.
Can SERVPRO Save Books during Darien Fire Restoration?
3/23/2021 (Permalink)
Call SERVPRO of Darien / New Canaan after your fire damage, we can help save your valuables.
There is hope after fire restoration
If you are a book lover, you understand the dismay that comes when you see soot-damaged books. A blaze can leave spines and pages soot-blackened. Stop before you throw any books away – we can sometimes salvage books.
Book lovers who need fire restoration in Darien should call SERVPRO. Our technicians understand that saving books is delicate work, and they have the necessary skills and tools. Badly burned books are not salvageable. However, there are things we can do for milder damage:
- Dry sponge wiping removes light soot deposits.
- Gentle abrasion with sandpaper tackles more stubborn stains.
- Deodorizing pellets nearby can help absorb smoke odors from books.
If you feel confident, you can try these techniques yourself or call SERVPRO for help. Whatever you do, please do not apply any kind of liquid cleaner as this will make the problem worse. We can also help restore books that are waterlogged after fire-fighting efforts. Our state-of-the-art freeze drying facility can stop further damage and carefully remove moisture from the pages.
If your books need fire restoration help, contact SERVPRO of Darien / New Canaan at (203) 966-6264.
Is Skilled Fire Damage Restoration Best?
2/14/2021 (Permalink)
Has your property been affected by fire damage? Contact our certified technicians at (203) 966-6264 for remediation services.
To get your Darien home restored right the first time, SERVPRO has the latest technology for fire damage restoration
The town of Darien, Connecticut, was originally part of Stamford. In 1787, Darien became Middlesex Parish and did not change over to a stand-alone town until 1820. The first “planters” in the area had initially taken the title to the land in 1640.
Darien’s History in Conjunction with the Civil War and Beyond
During the Civil War, there was a home for disabled veterans and orphans of soldiers built within Noroton Heights in 1864. This building got named after the founder, who happened to be Benjamin Fitch from Darien. After the Civil War ended, it made way for economic prosperity and security throughout the north, which brought on the building boom. Because of this, many New Yorkers discovered Darien's beautiful shoreline and began to build summer homes. In 1897, trolley service by the Stamford Street Railway came through Darien.
Today’s Attractions and Hospitality Throughout Darien
There are copious options available in and around Darien whether you want to have a drink with friends or enjoy a delicious meal. As a matter of fact, Darien is becoming well known for unique watering holes offering craft brews and mind-blowing cocktails. Some of the top bars and breweries in the area include:
- Tavern at Graybarns – This is a cozy tavern with modern flare featuring an incredible beer selection. You will also have delectable food items on the menu ranging from ever-changing small plates to exquisite seafood dishes.
- Jimmy’s Southside Tavern – If you are looking for craft cocktails and friendly staff, this is the place to go. There is a popular French Dip sandwich on the menu made from their famous prime rib, but you also have options like classic fish and chips and other tavern fares.
- The Goose American Bistro and Bar – Who doesn’t love perfectly grilled sliders and golden French fries? This eatery not only has a full pub-fare selection to graze on, but the entire bar is loaded with spirits. Ask about the specialty cocktails, which change on the menu quite frequently.
Famous People from Darien, Connecticut
The area of Darien has been home to many famous people in both the past and present, including:
- Alexandra Breckenridge – Known for television shows The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, and This Is Us
- Chloe Sevigny – Golden Globe award-winning and Oscar-nominated actress
- Topher Grace – Star of the television series That 70s Show
- Moby – Globally-known musician
- Kate Bosworth – Starred in Superman Returns as Lois Lane
- Steve-O – Comedian and star of the film and television series Jackass
Fire Damage Restoration Has Many Working Parts, Trust SERVPRO to Restore Your Darien Property
There is a lot involved in making sure your Darien home gets back to normal after a fire. SERVPRO arrives with the latest techniques to handle any job, big or small.
When you contact SERVPRO to assist with fire damage restoration in Darien, we implement techniques and superior technology to provide the best results. Some of the services we may perform for your project include:
- Inspection and cleaning of fabrics and upholstery
- Pack out services
- Repair and replacement of flooring and carpeting
- Repair damaged walls or apply a sealant to cover smoke odors
- Mildew and mold treatments
Fire damage restoration can be tricky and stressful to handle on your own. Look to SERVPRO of Darien/New Canaan for help! Call (203) 966-6264 for emergency response.
Touring the Phillip Johnson Glass House this December in New Canaan.
1/13/2021 (Permalink)
People who live in Darien GlassHouses call SERVPRO for fire damage cleanup and restoration
The Philip Johnson Glass House in New Canaan is an Architectural Marvel at Any Time of Year.
The Glass House is a beautiful piece of mid-twentieth-century architecture by a master of the craft Philip Johnson. The idea was conceived as half of a two-part project, with the other being the Brick House a few hundred yards away. Philip Johnson lived in the property throughout the second half of his life from 1949 until 2005. The property has since been taken over by a non-profit that runs tours throughout the year. The Glass House tours range from an hour to over three hours with some bookings, including tours of the surrounding art gallery, where guests can view the Rothko Chapel. Private and self-guided tours are available depending on bookings.
- The popularity of the Glass House means you usually have to book tickets in advance.
- The property is situated among 49 acres, which guests can tour freely.
- Tours begin from the visitor center, where guests can jump on a shuttle bus into the main attraction.
Property fires can occur at any time of year and cause sufficient harm to your property to justify professional assistance. Contact SERVPRO of Darien / New Canaan at (203) 966-6264.